Het UFC organiseerde een boeiende intervisienamiddag omtrent incestplegers met Bart Weustenraad en Stef Anthoni van het Vertrouwenscentrum Kindermishandeling in Antwerpen. Lees hier het verslag.
Het UFC bracht een geactualiseerde versie uit van de sociale kaart 'Hulpverlening aan seksuele delinquenten in Vlaanderen'. Consulteer de sociale kaart hier.
In de kijker!
Dinsdag 20 februari 2018
‘Van de nood een deugd maken:
aan de slag met dynamische risicofactoren bij zedendelinquenten’
ASO Dr. Robin Baeten stond samen met het UFC-team stil bij een overzichtsartikel over middelengebruik bij seksuele daders (Abracen et al., 2017). Een belangrijke en complexe risicofactor waarvan de paden die lijden tot seksuele grensoverschrijding nog niet helemaal werden opgehelderd. Klik hier voor een bespreking van dit artikel.
ASO dr. Niel Merckx presenteerde het artikel Hypersexuality: A Critical Review and Introduction to the “Sexhavior Cycle” (Walton et al., 2017). Klik hier voor een bespreking van dit artikel.
Het UFC in de media
Het project ter preventie van seksueel kindermisbruik, Stop it Now!, kwam na 6 maanden nog eens in de media met de eerste resultaten. Lees hier meer.
Onze criminologe kwam op radio 1 in 'De Wereld Vandaag' waarbij we reageerden op het nieuws dat Polen een databank openbaar maakte met zeer gedetailleerde persoonsgegevens van zedendaders. Herbeluister het hier!
Daarnaast bracht Stop it Now!, met ondersteuning van Child Focus, een publiekscampagne uit die werd gelanceerd op het dark web. Bekijk één van de filmpjes hier.
Graag uw aandacht voor deze interessante opleidingen & vormingsmomenten!
25 & 26.01.2018: UFC studiedag & workshop - Female (Sex) Offenders - Hof van Liere, Antwerpen Lees meer
20.02.2018: NL-ATSA congres - 'Van de nood een deugd maken: aan de slag met dynamische risicofactoren bij zedendelinquenten' - Van der Hoevenkliniek, Utrecht Lees meer
08.02 & 22.02.2018: 'Islamic counseling' - Sofian El Bouazati - Thomas More Antwerpen - Campus Sanderus, Antwerpen Lees meer
19.04.2018: SAVE THE DATE - Assessing and Treating Stalkers - Thomas More Antwerpen - Campus Sanderus, Antwerpen Lees meer
12-14.06.2018: International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services (IAFMHS) - Antwerp, Belgium Lees meer
28-31.08.2018:International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO) - Vilnius, Lithuania Lees meer
17-20.10.2018: Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA) - Vancouver, Canada Lees meer
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Leestips uit vaktijdschriften
Het UFC houdt u graag op de hoogte van de recente vakliteratuur. Hieronder vindt u een oplijsting van 7 internationale forensische tijdschriften en een selectie uit het meest recente aanbod van elk tijdschrift.
Door op de coverafbeelding van het tijdschrift te klikken, komt u op de website van de uitgever terecht, waar u de titels, auteurs en een korte inhoud van elk reeds verschenen artikel kan raadplegen.
Wenst u volledige artikels door te nemen? De lezers van deze nieuwsbrief kunnen Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. een digitale kopie van de gewenste artikels van onderstaande tijdschriften opvragen.
Sexual Abuse The Official Journal of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers
Sexual Abuse provides a forum for the latest original research and scholarly reviews on both clinical and theoretical aspects of sexual abuse. It is the only publication to focus exclusively on this field, thoroughly investigating its etiology, consequences, prevention, treatment and management strategies. The in-depth studies provide essential data for those working in both clinical and academic environments.
Volume 29, Issue 8
Review of the Empirical and Clinical Support for Group Therapy Specific to Sexual Abusers
Does Sexual Orientation Precede Childhood Sexual Abuse? Childhood Gender Nonconformity as a Risk Factor and Instrumental Variable Analysis
Volume 29, Issue 7
The Revised Screening Scale for Pedophilic Interests: Predictive and Concurrent Validity
Immaterial Boys? A Large-Scale Exploration of Gender-Based Differences in Child Sexual Exploitation Service Users
The Impact of Interpersonal Style on Ruptures and Repairs in the Therapeutic Alliance Between Offenders and Therapists in Sex Offender Treatment
Journal of Sexual Aggression An international, interdisciplinary forum for research, theory and practice
The Journal of Sexual Aggressionprovides an international and interdisciplinary forum for the dissemination of original research findings, reviews, theory, and practice developments regarding sexual aggression in all its forms.
Volume 23, Issue 3
Intergenerational Transmission of Marital Violence: Results From a Nationally Representative Sample of Men
Criminal Justice and Behavior
CJB, peer-reviewed and published monthly, promotes scholarly evaluations of assessment, classification, prevention, intervention, and treatment programs to help the correctional professional develop successful programs based on sound and informative theoretical and research foundations.
Volume 44, Issue 10
Home Visits in Community Supervision: A Qualitative Analysis of Theme and Tone
Volume 44, Issue 11
External Trigger Factors for Violent Offending: Findings From the U.K. Prisoner Cohort Study
The Contribution of Sensation Seeking and the Big Five Personality Factors to Different Types of Delinquency
Volume 45, Issue 1
Broken Legs, Clinical Overrides, and Recidivism Risk: An Analysis of Decisions to Adjust Risk Levels With the LS/CMI
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology
IJO, peer-reviewed and published monthly, for more than five decades has provided therapists, counselors, researchers, forensic psychologists and psychiatrists, criminologists and policy makers with challenging research on topics including; violent crime, sexual offending, domestic violence, juvenile delinquency, criminal profiling, and risk assessment. There is an emphasis on the treatment of the offender--both as to theory and for clinical practice.
Volume 61, Issue 12
Emotional Congruence With Children Is Associated With Sexual Deviancy in Sexual Offenders Against Children
Arsonists and Violent Offenders Compared: Two Peas in a Pod?
Patient Profiles in Dutch Forensic Psychiatry Based on Risk Factors, Pathology, and Offense
Volume 61, Issue 15
Mindfulness and Rehabilitation: Teaching Yoga and Meditation to Young Men in an Alternative to Incarceration Program
Volume 61, Issue 16
Not Just Any Job Will Do: A Study on Employment Characteristics and Recidivism Risks After Release
Crime Seasonality: Examining the Temporal Fluctuations of Property Crime in Cities With Varying Climates
Volume 62, issue 1
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Efficacy for Reducing Recidivism Rates of Moderate- and High-Risk Sexual Offenders: A Scoping Systematic Literature Review
What Does Success Look Like in the Forensic Mental Health System? Perspectives of Service Users and Service Providers
Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health
Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health is a peer-reviewed scientific journal covering the relationship between criminal behavior and psychiatry.
Volume 27, Issue 4
Psychologically informed practice (PIP) for staff working with offenders with personality disorder: A pragmatic exploratory trial in approved premises
Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology
The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology is a multidisciplinary journal devoted to publishing papers relating to aspects of psychiatry and psychological knowledge (research, theory and practice) as applied to offenders and to legal issues arising within civil, criminal, correctional or legislative contexts.
Volume 28, Issue 5
Violence against mental health care professionals: prevalence, nature and consequences
Volume 29, Issue 1
Psychopharmacologic treatment of in-patients with schizophrenia: comparing forensic and general psychiatry
Comparison of outcomes of patients with personality disorder to patients with mental illness, following discharge from medium secure hospital: systematic review
Journal of Interpersonal Violence
JIV published 24 times a year, is devoted to the study and treatment of victims and perpetrators of interpersonal violence, addressing the causes, effects, treatment, and prevention of all types of violence. It provides a forum of discussion for the concerns and activities of professionals and researchers working in domestic violence, child sexual abuse, rape and sexual assault, physical child abuse, and violent crime.
Volume 32, Issue 20
What Is the Attraction? Pornography Use Motives in Relation to Bystander Intervention
Desistance From Sexual Offending: Behavioral Change Without Cognitive Transformation
Volume 32, Issue 24
Female Sex Offenders: An Analysis of Crime Scene Behaviors
Volume 33, Issue 1
The Concept of Grooming and How It Can Help Victims